I know - it's been weeks but you know how once you start moving things into a new space you don't want to just throw it together - you want to do it right. So it took me longer than I thought - going through this, putting that in it's proper place....and I just realized I forgot to take pics of below the desk...oh well -this is all I have to offer for now. I wasn't even sure the camera would work since I haven't charged the battery in forever.
This is the table runner turned window covering. Duncan is going to build me a cornice to finish it off but I haven't been able to stop by Home Depot to pick out the moulding.
Here is the new workspace with my nifty IKEA shelves - all but two of them anyhow...I decided I needed two more for decorative items & photos. These pictures really don't do it justice...I need to take some from better angles & zone in on specific areas. Will do that and update this post but this is the jist.
And finally - here is the nook where I moved (really shoved) the couch into and put my photo collage above...obviously I need two more nails and I am actually thinking I might do another row of frames up top near the ceiling but really I'm doing good to have all this done - I know my frames are crooked but ever time I hammer something moves so I need to get that teacher supply poster goo to hold them in place. :) Thanks to mom for being a good sport and smiling for the camera despite the fact that she objected to the photo.
Here's hoping my creativity gets a boost when I can actually sit down in my new space!!
dude!! Great curtain and thrifty use of the table runner.
Are those dies I see in the pic to the right in your new scrappy area? Love those Ikea shelves!
Ecstatic Elizabeth
It looks awesome! Enjoy!
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